Sunday, January 17, 2010
Weekly Recap #1.2
First I have three new classes, Crim, Con Law, and Property, and as a result three new professors. Professor Con Law describes herself as a "crazy commie lesbo" and is amazing. I have NEVER seen a professor hold the attention of every peron in the class for consecutive classes, but she has and (I imagine) will continue to do so. Professor Crim is interesting and I'm interested in the class, but Professor Property is new and nervous. He obviously loves the material, but we'll see what kind of evals come back at the end of the semester. I'm hoping that he was just nervous and as we progress he'll gain a stronger footing, but well we'll see...
Now the job search is the bane to every law student (especially now with the serious lack of job options) and I am no different. There are so many options. Do you want government, judicial, private, sector, non-profit? Should you stay in the state or leave? the list just goes on and although they try, people at school don't always make it any easier. And then to find out that you're not just competing with people in your school, but also the other law school in the state as well as people who have left the state, but want to come back home to make connections. Add that to all of the out-of-work attorneys and it's a surprise that we're not all just lined up at the nearest McDonald's. But you have to have hope and that is what propels me further along into the Career Development website hoping and praying that the job that will provide me with the best learning expereince is out there and hasn't already been snatched away. But we'll see...
So all you other 1.5L's how do you feel now that you're back?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Catch Up
So since I last wrote I encountered and survived reading week and finals. Now my reading week was very productive. I finished my torts outline and made flash cards for civ pro and then it just sort of dwindled. I discovered the problem. I can not work at home. There are far too many distractions and I have S.O.S. (shiny object syndrome: diagnosed by my leadership professor in undergrad ;-D). So I found a new place to study, a coffeehouse with $2.50 bottomless coffee and it's really good coffee. I got there, posted up, and studied. One day I made a flowchart for torts (Negligence) and another I did flowcharts for contracts (Common Law and UCC) Contract Creation, SOF, and Damages). The act of making them really helped (I'm a partially visually learner). All flowcharts are in 2007 Excel.
I did a little group work leading up to finals, but the one session we had before I had a grasp on everything felt useless to me. After I finished my outlines and flowcharts group was more productive because I knew what questions I wanted to ask, what I needed clarification on, and was able to do hypos. Now we have bar hypos on our school's website, but all they did for me was highlight what I hadn't learned so I had to gravitate away from them and ended up using a mixture of past exams (from my and other professors) and hypos that group created. It was hard to keep the same level of motivation throughout the entire three week period, but I feel that I did well.
And then came the actual tests. First up was torts. I should have been nervous because it was my first law school final and this was the typical law school test (first and only grade of the semester). So our professor told us that it would be between 1 and 3 fact patterns, but based on his past exams I was ready for one long fact pattern...and that's exactly what we got. After learning everything and all of the cases I expected something exciting and I got...negligence. 90% of the test was negligence and there were 2 intentional torts and respondeat superior. I felt cheated. I could have said "f learning anything past negligence" and would have been okay. I was robbed.
Next up was Civ Pro and since we had two other tests during the semester, we only had about 40% of the material to remember. And after the midterm that had everyone in our section on pins and needles, this was a walk in the park. 18 short answer questions and we were out of there. It was what I expected and I am happy with my performance.
Finally, contracts. This was the one that caused my stomach to do the jumpy thing because it was open book. Open book tests are the devils in disguise because you want to have everything you possibly could, but the most important thing is not the quantity of your materials, but how well you know them and can get to the information you need. But this one we knew that there were going to be four questions and two of them would be damages (hence the flowcharts). Now once I got in there, I did the panicked "holy hell I don't see any issues," but once I took a breath, I saw what I needed to see. The test was going smoothly and I was issue spotting like a pro and then I got to question number three. I was doing my first read through and jotting down some issues that I saw and because it dealt with cell phones, my head was in the UCC. And then I got to the last line "use common law to analyze this question." That threw me off for a minute, but I shook it off and went back through the question replacing my UCC cites with common law stuff. I thought it was sneaky, but nothing I couldn't handle. But apparently some of my section mates decided that because the contract involved a good common law would never apply and they told the professor that and applied the UCC. WTF?! The professor told you to use common law, so USE COMMON LAW. It's not that difficult.
The final thing that arose because of finals was people wanting to spend hours deconstructing an exam that we just spent four hours on. I am not one of those people and made that known, but it's hard when there are 85 people in your section and 80 of them want to talk about the test. I mean everywhere I went there were my sectionmates ready with congratulations and questions. I tried to avoid them, but it was impossible especially since I was in a group with three of those people. I was so tired and just wanted to go home. So I did. And it was the best decision I think I made all semester. And my sanity thanks me for it. Well that's the catch-up post. I'm off to write essays and prepare my resume so I can get a summer job. I'll probably be MIA until the new semester starts, but there will be blogs!
Monday, November 30, 2009
So It's Been Awhile...
And to add insult to injury I had an "interesting" Thanksgiving* and I am having little mini freak outs as a result. But you just gotta roll with the punches right? So back to the dungeon I go. If I am still alive after finals, I'll give you a holler. Good luck to all those in the same boat.
* My boyfriend's ex showed up for dinner at his mom's house and acted like they hadn't broken up in a very messy, very horrible way. And when she was leaving (I was sitting next to his mom) she made sure to sit on his mom's lap to say good-bye. I sensed an ulterior motive but left it alone out of respect to his mom and her guest, but she'd better not show up on Christmas.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Help Me Sell....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's My Birthday...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Weekly Recap #12
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Weekly Recap #11
But there was no wriggling out of this one and to be honest the amount of work required and the time frame that it needed to be done in required group work. But anyway...once the group work was done, we were supposed to take the work we compiled together and create our own memo. You wouldn't think this would be hard...but damn! It took two hours of staring, typing, reading, thinking what I created was crap, and deleting. I tell you, I've never had so much trouble beginning a paper. This made me feel like a complete and total idiot. But the best part was the fact that once I created something, it was waaaaay easier to edit. And to be honest, I was pretty happy with what I created (after five revisions) and handed in.
So I knew that my final memo would build off of this one, but I was not aware that there was an included oral portion. I have to go back to the memo that I am sick of looking at and create an oral presentation that properly explains my ideas and position in ten minutes. All I can say is thank goodness I only have to do it in front of my mentor and not the whole class. I still have to work on that whole public speaking thing. I'm getting there, but it's hard. So that's LP.
Now the other difficult thing is I have realized (and now completely understand) that I have three weeks until reading week and 45 days until the end of the semester. Jeez! I have NO TIME. I mean, I've started my outlines, but I have so much I need to add and then I need to start boiling it down. Where am I supposed to find this time I mean we got an hour today, but really what is an hour, maybe three torts cases and briefs. Plus I have to sleep sometime right? Right?! Okay so maybe sleep is a luxury I can't afford anymore, but I have to eat right? Right?! Okay scratch that too. But I HAVE to see people outside of law school right? Damn, what have I done with myself? Law school was supposed to be good for me. I'm not really feeling good right now. I feel like I have no time. And I don't. Until next time...unless I've gone crazy.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
But on a side note, I figured that a snow day was as good a day as ever to be Suzy Homemaker. So I cooked goulash (basic half beef half sausage mixture) and made my first attempt at making pumpkin bread from scratch. And although the bread is still baking I think it turned out pretty damn pumpkin bread like. Once it's done, I'll post pictures and the recipe.
Well, I'm gonna go and eat dinner with my man and to all my classmates, enjoy your snow day to the fullest!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
- $25 for trips 374 miles or less
- $50 375-549 miles
- $75 550-999 miles
- $100 for 1000+ miles
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Weekly Recap #10
So another good thing that I learned from looking at the calendar is that in exactly (ok well maybe not exactly cause of the time and everything) one week from now we will get our hour back ladies and gents. That's right! Daylight savings time, otherwise known as the bane of law students existence (how dare you take away an hour when I already don't have enough time to do my work now?!) will come to an end. You'll get that hour back and for a week (if you're lucky) you'll actually feel like you've gotten a good night's sleep...and then it's back to that crammed "can we make a 28 hour day" feeling. But I sure am going to make the most of that week.
So other than the thirteen hour study day I pulled, nothing really to report. Four weeks of class. Six weeks til finals. Eight weeks til winter break. And did I mention that winter break is a whole month?! For me that's amazing because my entire undergrad career I was on a trimester schedule and as a result we got out around the 21st of December and went back around the 3rd of January. Oh I am going to treasure winter break and take that time to do...absolutely nothing (for the first couple of days until I get bored with myself and find something, anything to do). So keep on truckin' fellow 1L's. I can see the beginning of the end of the tunnel and it's a beautiful thing.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Weekly Recap #9
Friday, October 16, 2009
So You've Gotten Your LSAT Score...
And you know what, I did better. Not a whole lot, but I did better. And you know what the LSAT isn't the end all be all deciding factor of law school admissions. I had an okay score, a 3.76 GPA, and a good admission essay (pretty good if I do say so myself) and I am sitting here procrastinating on making my torts outline during the first semester of my first year in law school.
So my advice is if you exceed your expectations congratulations. Pat yourself on the back just be careful about flaunting it around others. If you reached your goal congratulations, flaunt it as well but be careful just the same. And if you are not happy with your score go ahead and mope, but realize that it's not the end of the line and get over it. You can take it again (and if you take the December test your scores will still get to your schools on time) and how well you do on the LSAT has not been proven to be an indicator of how well you'll do in law school. You can do it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Product Review-Levi's 512's, 580's and 590's
Two weeks ago, I got one of my all time fav magazines in the mail (Marie Claire) and I was innocently flipping through admiring all of the pretty clothes I came across this article. It's written by Ashley Falcon. She's an intern at the magazine, but the best part? She's a size 18 with curves galore and damn proud of it. In her inaugural article she discusses how difficult it is for her to find clothes in actual brick and mortar stores, but she doesn't give up, and neither will I. So armed with her suggestions of the best jeans that have worked for her I went out into the world wide web and prepared to do battle. I started at Levi's website and lo and behold, it was my lucky day. Not only were the plus jeans on sale (from $48 to $35), but there was free shipping on every purchase (no minimum purchase). With that type of sign I realized that I was meant to get over my fears and order jeans. So order I did. I ordered one pair (I had to guess my size) of the 512's, 580's, and 590's. So, I received them today and tried each pair on and will now give product reviews for anyone who needs them.
Just as a note I have a 10" difference between my waist and hips with a very large rear end and a semi-defined waist. Also I am 5'8 1/2".
Levi's 512: Perfectly Shaping Boot
99% Cotton, 1% Spandex
I was a little hesitant to order these because of the pocket's. Any girl with a healthy rear end knows that pockets that don't lie flat can make it look bigger (in a bad way). So I tried them on and I could barely get them up. But I shimmied and I shook and up they came, but they were not closing. So I would say that these have a tendency to run true (if not a little smaller) to size. That plus the fact that there is only 1% spandex means that these are not for me. Also, I ordered the regular length because Levi's does not carry the plus jeans in long and I would have been able to wear flats, but not heels. Also, the color that is available is a very dark rinse (basically black) with lots of white undertones. They look good.
Levi's 580 : Defined Waist Bootcut
99% Cotton, 1% Spandex
The pockets lie flat, which is a good thing so already these are better than the 512's. So I ordered these because I did not know if my waist would qualify as a defined waist according to Levi's. So I try them on and realize that this is a good idea in theory. The first problem I had was getting them past my hips. When they say defined, they mean defined and to hell with the fact that in order to get the wonderful waistband to a defined waist, a person would have to get past their generous hips first. So I got them up and these were able to close and then I realized how defined Levi's believes a defined waist is. And I honestly think that if the jeans came up to where they came on the model, my waist would have been defined enough, but since the jeans stopped right where my legs meet the rest of my body (which is NOT the waist) they just created a very unsightly muffin top which no woman wants. So that's another pair nixed. The color is a darker wash (dark blue) with very little white undertone and I would have been able to wear flats, but not heels.
Levi's 590: Fuller Waist Bootcut
99% Cotton, 1% Spandex
So once again, the pockets lie flat. Next I tried them on and they went up very smoothly, no shimmying needed. And once I got them up they closed with no problem and created no muffin top whatsoever. These are great because they stop in the same place as the 580's, but the waist is the same width as the hips. The one problem that I had with these when I first put them on is instead of getting wider at the knee they seemed to get a little slimmer and caress my calves more than I liked, but as I sit here in my normal computer position I can feel them loosening so problem averted. The color is a very dark wash (but dark blue, not black) with no white undertones and I tried on my highest heels (4 1/2") and they were almost completely covered.
So that's it. Three pairs tried, one pair found and a coupon for 30% off all regular and sale priced jeans for their friend's and family days that are coming up so I think I will return the two pairs that don't work to a Levi's store in my area and then go back to the website and get some more 590's. I hope this helps anyone who is in the same predicament that I was for a while and good luck in your search.
Tip: When you go to try pairs to see how they fit like I did here, sign up for the mailing list and get a code for free shipping first, that way if you need to return any you can do it at a store (if you send them back through the mail they will deduct $7 from your refund) and get a full refund because you didn't pay shipping in the first place (they won't refund shipping in the stores, but they also won't take money away from your refund).
Don't Be Surprised...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Weekly Recap #8
Now the next midterm, 60+ cases, over a month of classes, F.R.C.P., parts of Article III of the Constitution, all wrapped up in one 14 question (28 once you factored in the multi-part questions) short answer (an oxymoron really because you have to explain so it's sort of hard to keep things short) test that needed to be completed in 1 hour and 15 minutes. One person finished with 8 minutes to spare, one with five, and the rest were furiously writing until the proctor called time. Not such a good sign, but we knew it was going to be hard. There was a lot of material and very little time. So I complained for a minute, but now I'm like get over it, move on. Everyone had some issues so we'll just have to wait until we get the tests back to see how that curve affects us. But we knew it was coming. Listening to other people I'm getting a little frustrated because it feels like they don't want to take responsibility. They want to blame everything on the professor, but she was just doing her job.
One thing that was pointed out to me by a friend is although law school tests are supposed to test how we work under pressure, when, as an actually attorney, will we ever be given that breadth of information and told we have an hour to do as much as we can? If you have some war stories that can answer that please let me know. Well now I have to get back to the work for the classes that I have been neglecting for the past week so until next week...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Weekly Recap #7
- FlashForward
- The View
- Bones
- Dollhouse
- Smallville
I figured that if I take two one hour breaks for each eight hour study period, I can stay up on my shows and my schoolwork. Cause law school is all about compromise. So I'm compromising by not watching my shows until the weekend. It was a hard decision, but it had to be made. :-D
Now before I wrap things up I have a question for those who have been in my position. I have my outlines started and they are coming along, but when it comes to the actual application it's harder. I want to do hypos and I have received some from the professor, but they are section specific meaning they just focus on one thing say offer and acceptance so I don't have to look to any other part of my outline to make sure that it's good. Now my first thought would be to go to the professors old exams, but there are none available. So what do I do? Please help me.
Well that's it for the week and all you other 1L's keep on truckin'.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Weekly Recap #6
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Weekly Recap #5
My study environment would probably be more conducive if I turned off Bridezillas, but it's like a train wreck. You want to look away, but you know it's not possible. Speaking of wedding shows I just read in the October Cosmo that there's going to be a television station that plays all wedding shows all the time. My boyfriends response? "Well it was nice to have cable, but that's gotta go." I have lived through over two years of NBA TV. I don't think that having a wedding show station (that I will never have time to watch until after finals) will be so bad. He should worry more about the actual wedding that we're going to.
And one last thing, you know that the law has taken over your life when your boyfriend tells you that you woke up in the middle of the night, began to explain a case involving fake money, and warned him to stay away. Yeah, I'm just that screwed up.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Dress for Sale

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Recipe of the Week
4.5 lbs Chicken Drumsticks
4.5 quarts of water (1 cup=.25 quarts)
Carrots (Sliced)
White Onions (Diced)
Green Onions (Cut)
Celery (Sliced)
Minced Garlic
3 Chicken Bouillon Cubes
Garlic Powder
Seasoned Salt
2 Cans of Cream of Chicken Soup
Egg Noodles (1 16 oz package)
Big Soup Pot
Season the chicken at least two hours before starting. (Overnight is preferred; Use whatever seasonings you plan to use in the soup)
Make sure all of you vegetables are cut up. You can add any other veggies that you'd like.
Turn the burner on high under your pot.
Put 2-3 tablespoons of butter into the pot.
When the butter starts to sizzle add your veggies in this order (garlic, green onions, stir, onions, celery, carrots, etc.)
Add your seasonings (I used pepper, garlic powder, chicken seasoning, seasoned salt, and a rosemary garlic seasoning)
Add your chicken drumsticks.
Add your water (if you need more to make sure that everything is covered, add away).
Let your mixture simmer on med-high for approximately 50 minutes (or until chicken is done) stirring occasionally. Add your bouillon cubes halfway through and stir.
Once your chicken is done take it out and let it cool (approximately ten minutes) and then cut it from the bone and roughly chop it.
Return the chicken to the pot, add the soup and noodles.
Let simmer for another five minutes and enjoy.
I cook for the week, so this is a big recipe, you can cut it down accordingly just remember that you need the water to cover everything. I didn't add quantities for the veggies because some people like more and some less. Add what you feel. This is not the healthiest recipe, but it's much better than my mac and cheese (I'll post that in the coming weeks).
Weekly Recap #4
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
You Know It Sucks...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Unbelieveable #2
But sadly, this is not the end of the story. At some point in Ms. Walker's time at KSU she realized that she needed a retroactive withdrawl. She was intially awarded this withdrawl, but the decision was challenged by the Student Affars office. When the decision was challenged Ms. Walker was asked to provide further information that would support her missing so many classes. Ms. Walker provided a doctor's note that was later determined to be false and her retroactive withdrawl was rescinded. And she is upset why? Because (1) as far as her knowledge goes, this was the first time that Student Affairs intervened in a decision concerning a student's grades, (2) after being caught she was removed as student body president, suspended, and her withdrawls converted to F's, (3) other student's have committed far worse infractions than she and received lesser punishments, and (4) a male student requested retroactive withdrawl and it was granted. Does anyone see a problem with her reasoning?
- So the problem here, I worked in the Student Affairs office at my undergraduate school and as much as students liked to believe that they knew everything that went on behind the scenes, they didn't. Schools have a responsibility to keep student's private records well...private. They don't broadcast everytime they discovered some form of academic dishonesty and I'm pretty sure the student accused didn't either. And Student Affairs is usually where the Academic Dean is so that is the part of the school that takes care of those matters.
- She was the student body president for goodness sake. And she is upset because she got caught forging a doctor's note and was suspended and the decisions made based on the lie reversed? I am not saying that she should be held to a higher standard, but it is common knowledge that people in positions of power usually are. If she didn't want the additional scrutiny, then she should have remained a plain old student.
- Once again, she's student body president. However, she may have a valid argument here because in her interview she stated that there were athletes arrested for first degree robbery (that was later reduced to theft) and they only incurred a $100 fine and some community service. I would be outraged, if I could believe her. She's lied once already so her creadibility is moot with me.
- Does she know all of the circumstances surrounding that student's retroactive withdrawl? Maybe he could produce a note from an actual doctor. Hey, you enver know.
This story and her reasoning and actions (speaking out very publicly against the school administration) disgusts me. As an African American woman, I am very disappointed in her actions and the fact that she does not seem to realize what she did wrong. However, I realize that is just my opinion, now I want to know what is yours? Have I only seen part of the story? Is there something I'm missing? Or do you think I'm just plain wrong? Let me know. I promise to publish all comments unless they include derogatory language including, but not limited to curse words.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sadly, this is not a joke.
Well apparently he's all grow up now and getting ladies because of his suits. And apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to use him to market said suits.
Now I don't know about you, but for some reason seeing Kid doesn't really inspire me to go out and purchase a suit. I do however get the urge to do the kick step (see the first video at 1:20)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Weekly Recap #3
So one thing that I am in the process of re-learning is that you can't judge a book by its cover. Hard because as humans we're hard wired to make snap judgments, I'm simply trying to make sure my snaps don't become permanent. One thing I have heard is that people in high stress careers (doctors, lawyers, etc.) have a higher chance of abusing alcohol (let me know if I'm wrong) but I can see how that can be. I had one drink after class on Thursday and it did make me feel a little better about well...everything. I have to make sure that it doesn't become a regular thing. My goal is to find something else that can help me unwind. Biking perhaps? Don't really know.
So this question is for anyone who is/has been in law school. Do you find it hard to read anything other than cases? I love to read for pleasure, but when I've been finding time (which is rare) to do something for me I try to read one of the many books that I acquired over the summer for this very purpose, but I can't concetrate. The entire time I'm reading I'm looking for something deeper (a rule basically) and when I can't find one I get frustrated. Has this happened to you and if so how did you overcome it?
Two first happened this week. The first is that I had a law school exam. Now I understand that it's not a typical exam because the prof. basically told us exactly what to study and tested us on exactly that. (I wish all the law was that concrete.) The second was my first legal writing assignment. Now it wasn't an entire memo, but it was something. So when I started writing it was very intimidating. I mean it was the first legal analysis I had ever done. And...I did it wrong. Well not all of it, but I thought we were supposed to be putting everything into our own words and that wasn't the case. But I did a draft, went to one of the TA's and found out what I was doing wrong, and fixed it. And I was pretty darn proud of what I handed in. We'll see what happenes when I get everything back though.
So that was pretty much the highs from my week. I haven't really had any lows yet, but when I do I'll let you know. If there's anything in particular you would like to know about from my limited experiences just let me know.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Weekly Recap #2
Now another thing that happened this week, and I had been properly forewarned about, was the question of "how much do you study?" And I'll be honest, I almost got sucked in, but I managed to wiggle out with an "it depends" and it really does. I have Civ Pro and I love the way Prof. Civ Pro teaches. We're told exactly what to look for and exactly what to study. So I look for what I need and no more so it really cuts down on any "well do I need to study that? I don't know so I guess I do." But on the other hand Contracts is...well Contracts. Prof. Contracts is really very nice, but Contacts itself...not so nice. And even here I'm not going to tell you how long I study, but works best for me, on the weekend, is to take one class per day and once I'm done with the tasks for that class, I'm done for the day. It works because I can fully focus on that particular subject and not cram anything else into my head after I'm done. Works for me, find out what works for you.
So that's it for the week. I'm going to keep you updated on anything special that happens and I hope to start a healthy recipe of the week on Sunday nights. So good luck for now.