Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So after weeks of nothing I was teased with nothing other than reminders from financial aid about things like "remember to do your FAFSA." But really if your FAFSA isn't done now shouldn't you just let it die? Well anyway, so today I was bored and was wandering around in the main students webpage and I clicked on the 'courses' tab and lo and behold there are my classes. I have my classes! And it's a good schedule. The earliest I have to be in is 9:00 am and I am out of class every day by 4:00 pm. And no classes on Friday! If you remember from an earlier post that I was most worried about the fact that I haven't had classes on Friday for the past four years. But I am happy. And it's my very special boy's birthday week!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Will Someone Please Remind Me Why I Thought This Was A Good Idea

So today I ran across this article by Joshua Auriemma on the blog Legal Geekery and I thought it was pretty good and should be shared. So we know why other people are not going to law school, but why are you going?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So This is What Happens When You Deprive 0L's

So today I went into the web portal thing that my soon-to-be school has to centralize information and in the message area there was a message titled "Class Schedules". So really what would you think? Probably the same thing that I thought "Yes I know what classes I'm in. I can get my books online and they'll get here in time." But alas, no. It was a message simply reiterating that we would get our schedules in early August, but they would send us messages telling us how to get out schedules onling mid-July. Arrugh!

But even crazier than this is the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Now I have a friend from NJ but she doesn't act anything like this. I knew it would be just as trashy as all the other seasons and that translates into good, mind-numbing television for me. And out of all the seasons I really enjoy Caroline's personality (or the personality that they have edited into the show). She's quiet except when you mess with her family and then you've unleashed a tiger from the cage. Now I am sitting here watching the director's cut of their season finale and it's nuts.

For those who are out of the loop this season the protaganist was Danielle because it was discovered that her ex-husband wrote a book that claimed that Danielle was a prostitue, slept with over 1,000 guys, did coke, and was arrested for kidnapping and extortion. I know extreme. Danielle claims that out of all the things in the book there were two things that were true: 1) She had a name change and 2) She was arrested because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now in the show everyone's running around like chicken's with their heads cut off showing the book and spreading gossip, but really. C'mon. She was arrested and charged as an accessory which to me means that the DA didn't have enough evidence to prove that she was actually involved. (If I am wrong let me know). So yes she was arrested, but it probably didn't warrant these women acting like she would steal their children. Jeez the way these women act I wouldn't want to come within a ten foot radius of them or their children. But this has been building all season culminating in the season finale. There was yelling, screaming, and table flipping all of which, apparently, are normal for an Italian Jersey dinner. But, even though the women are nuttier than fruitcakes, it's a good show for a laugh and I enjoy laughing.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So as I was reading other law blogs I stumbled upon Saramel's Reasonable Expectations and in one of her posts she mentioned a site called Library Thing. It's a beta, but I looked around (and subsequently signed up) and it's really cool. The basic premise of the site is that you can keep your own personal library listed, see other users who have similar books in their library and chat with them (if you want), and get suggestions from the site and other users. I have been wanting to catalog my books forever, mostly because I lend them to people and then forget and (more often than I'd like) never get them back, I just wanted something more sophisticated than Excel. And now I think I've found it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Computer Troubles

So after laying my computer in some awkward positions during my last year of undergrad the part of my adapter that plugs into my computer has become bent to the point that when plugged in on its own it doesn't live up to the best of its potential. So at first I discovered that with some gentle nudging I could get the adapter to charge the computer, unfortunately this solution did not last long. So I tried to ride out the charge, alter the battery suckiness that my computer does and see how long I could get. To my dismay I learned that a fully charged battery on my computer only lasts at max 1 1/2 hours!

So I spent some of my precious battery life trying to get an HP rep to send me a new adapter since the thing is still under warranty. You think talking to someone whose first language is not English is hard, try typing to one. Now the first guy I got was trying to troubleshoot with me. Now under normal circumstances I would have been happy to do this, but since I already knew what was wrong I didn't understand why he couldn't just trust me. But then he made a mistake by telling me "that without verifying all the scenarios it is difficult to replace the adapter."

Now I went through this period in high school that I LIVED to argue semantics so I replied with "Difficult, but not impossible. Now how do I go about doing it. If it is not the adapter that is messed up then I will deal with that when the time comes, but I as the consumer (who according to tales is always right) need to replace my adapter." I know not so nice, but I really needed my adapter. So after this I guess the guy was advised to try and terminate the conversation because I got things like "Are you with me? Please tell me if you are able to view my messages?" and "Are you with me? Please respond as a delay may cause a disconnection in our chat session." Now this is after twenty minutes of steady conversation am I really supposed to believe that you can't read my messages NOW?!

So I got out of that conversation and started another one. This time I knew what to do and I soon had the guy filling out an incident report and getting a new adapter in the mail. Or so I thought. Fast forward four days I am starting to go crazy with no Internet, so crazy that I am making surprise visits to my boyfriend's moms house. But I get home to a ginormous box from HP. "A little overkill for an adapter, but whatever works." So I run downstairs to be closer to my computer when I open the box. I open the box...and it's empty. I confused the damn rep by asking another question AFTER he said he was finished with my report and he sent me a box to send back my computer!

Arrugh! And I still have no power for my laptop. Now I am starting to go crazy and I became McGuyver. I created an amazing setup with a string cut from one of my pajama pants and subsequently tied to the offending adapter and my ethernet cord. I realized that as long as it is taut enough it keeps the adapter in the position to perform it's duties. So I got back on with ANOTHER HP agent and this guy really seemed to know what he was doing and after some "this is a real incovenience to me as a customer who had hoped to buy from you again in the future" the guy overnighted me a new adapter. Great you think. A story with a happy ending. Sort of. I am so proud of my setup that I don't wanna undo it. I mean I know I can't go to law school with it like this, but would it be so bad if I kept it like this for the summer?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not Law School Related

Dear Special Boy of Mine-
All I ask is for you to take out the garbage. I have really come to the understanding that you didn't do housework when you were growing up therefore it is foreign to you now. All I want is for you to do one thing and YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT! I am frustrated and I am writing this letter so I don't go upstairs and be very bitchy and wake you up. I will not do thins again. I will not cook and clean and keep you happy and do your ONLY job again. This is my only warning. Thank you.
Who links to my website?