Monday, July 6, 2009

One More Thing...

Kel over at A Woman in Law School is being kind enough to help out all of us lowly 0L's with weekly giveaways on the supplements that she used (obviously successfully) during her 1L year. As with anything there are rules:
  1. You must (preferably) be a 1L starting August 2009. 2L's and 3L's you should no longer care about using supplements so please don't be greedy.
  2. In order to enter you must leave a comment on her blog (and while you're there you might want to check out some of her earlier posts. Very insightful.)
  3. When you leave your comment follow-up with a shout out on your blog so that Kel can reach as many people as possible.
  4. You cannot win two consecutive weeks. (Please let Kel help as many people as she can. Don't be greedy)

1 comment:

  1. Just giving a big ol' hello to another 1L.

    I'm also mortified at how much first year text books are going to cost. Ahhhh!!!!


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